Legal Notice

The website and the domain correspond to ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L., with CIF B61906236, company domiciled in c/Indústria nº 26, Tona (CP 08551), tel. +34 93 812 53 78 and email Figures inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona Volume 31499, page 35, sheet B-191765.


The contents of this site, including texts, images and designs, belong to ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L., or to third parties that have authorized its use. ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. presents these contents with information purposes of its activity and publicity. Authorizes its use exclusively for these purposes. In general, it is prohibited to use them for commercial purposes as well as their transformation or alteration. The use of these designs, images or texts shall expressly cite their relevance to ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L., which reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal actions to repair damages and losses caused by any act that infringes their intellectual or industrial property rights.
No submissions of the contents of this site are authorized in an outside window (framing).


Los datos personales que se puedan obtener por medio de formularios de contacto de esta página o bien por la recepción de correos electrónicos son tratados con la máxima confidencialidad y sólo se utilizarán para atender las solicitudes de información o consultas. Únicamente se incorporarían a un fichero en el caso de que se estableciese una relación comercial entre ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. y la persona interesada, y siempre con el conocimiento previo de esta persona.
Los datos que se obtengan a partir del registro de un usuario, serán incorporados a un fichero de titularidad de ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. con finalidades de gestión de las relaciones con sus clientes y proveedores. Podrá acceder a los mismos, rectificarlos, oponerse al tratamiento o cancelarlos dirigiéndose a ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. (Indústria 28, 08551 - Tona).


Although ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. acts with the greatest possible diligence, it can be the case that some data or information is not fully updated at the moment the user of the website consults it.
ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and contents of the website.
ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. will not be responsible for the information that can be obtained through links included in the site.


ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L. informs that this website uses cookies in the internal processes of operation. These cookies allow to control the navigation data of the user in order to make more comfortable and fast the communication established between him and the website of ARTE Y MEMORIA S. L.. The validity of these cookies is the estimated necessary to achieve these objectives. In any case are cookies used for the acquisition of personal data identifying the user. The users have the possibility to configure their Internet browsers to obtain a better knowledge and control of the cookies. You can be warned prior to installation and prevent it if it is your will.


The use of this website implies the full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice. The possible conflicts related to this web will be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish State, being the courts of Barcelona the only competent ones. Any person who uses the site, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which it is accessed, accepts compliance and respect for these clauses expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond. In the event that the users of the website make purchases and have the status of final consumers the judicial competence will correspond to the judges and courts of the user's domicile.